Port Ewen

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Where they jam when it rains

Drowned out from the Rondout,,,

,,,Not by rain, but by noise.  A nearby restaurant was holding a private party with a DJ from hell. The jam would go on, but at another location.

Ant not just the rain... An intruder, Rosie, playing an Ingersoll Rand high up on the bridge behind them in stochastic syncopation,  Her performance was riveting,

Peace and Quiet at Port Ewen

A smaller group.... 8-9-22. Driven from the Strand by osie the Riveter. 

The water is wiode...

.Diane Diachishin "An Irish Song"


September:The Days -- and the sessions -- are getting shorter

The jammers hang on as long as they can, losing light but playing into the night.