Along the Strand


The First Visit

Here is a medley that first visit to the jam; it has been lightly edited for time but not for content.

I could not get over the variety of people and the music they brought to the group. I knew I had to come back for more...

The Second Visit

New jammers, instruments, and tunes.  As I would find out on each successive visit, that's just the way it happens.  Serendipity,  You never know. 

That's why I call it Potluck Jam

The Third Visit

A music professional friend called my footage "real Americana" -- I think he meant it as low brow, -- but I'll go with it.  It's what I like about this music and what I love about this country: variety can become synergy. 

The Fourth Visit

This time we were joined by a newcomer, Rosie, playing her Ingersoll Rand high up on the bridge behind us in stochastic syncopation,  Her performance was riveting,

Rondout Fifth Visit

Labor Day has come and gone. Daylight is over before the sessions. The weather will get colder. Soon it will be time to move indoors. 

In the meantime, the jammers will make the most of what they have: spirit!

The Strand along the Rondout Creek in Kingston, NY

Next: Port Ewen --where they jam when it rains...